Friday, December 12, 2008

InfoBrief: Database Access during Winter Break

Wondering whether you'll still have access to all your favorite databases while you're away on break?
The answer is YES! 

Whether it's HeinOnline, Sociological Abstracts, or EconLit, you need only access the database via the Cornell University Library catalog using these three steps:

1.  Search for the name of the journal or database you want as the title (e.g. Cornell Law Review, or HeinOnline).
2.  Select the search result that is a "Networked Resource" (which simply indicates it is an online resource, as opposed to print).
3.  Then click on the link provided. 

You will be prompted to verify your Cornell status using your id and password, the same you use when logging into Blackboard.  Then you will gain access to the database. 

FYI, there is a shortcut link to HeinOnline on the Law Library web site homepage under Quick Reference. 

Want a personal walk-through of the process?  Contact your liaison and they'll be happy to demonstrate. 


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InfoBrief: Westlaw Printer Pilot

Greetings everyone,

Based on the feedback we received, Westlaw will be leaving the faculty printer in the computer lab for your use through the spring semester on a trial basis.  You may choose to follow Barbara Holden-Smith's lead and try using this printer for the cost savings it brings to the law school.  Click here for previously posted instructions on using the Westlaw and Lexis faculty printers. 

We'll let you know later next year whether it will remain a permanent fixture in the computer lab. 

Please let your library liaison know if you have any questions.


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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

InfoBrief: Westlaw Faculty Printers, Take 2

Thanks to everyone who has responded so quickly.  Based on the information we've received, I think some further information is in order. 

Both Westlaw and Lexis have dedicated faculty printers, located on the third floor in the computer lab (room 375).  When you print from Westlaw, choose the Westlaw Faculty Lab Printer.  Printing from Lexis, select the Faculty printer.  The administrative assistants know where they are located and can help retrieve printed documents, but your liaison can also show you were it is and how to print to it.  Just ask us!

The primarily benefit of using these printers instead of your office printer is financial. They are maintained and supported by Westlaw and Lexis.  They provide the paper, the toner, and the maintenance.  Obviously, there are cost savings to the law school by using these printers instead of your office printer. 

A secondary benefit is convenience.  You can print to these stations wherever and whenever you are, and they will be printed, waiting for you, when you return to school. 

Let me or your liaison know if you have any further questions, and please continue to submit your comments.

Many thanks,

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InfoBrief: Possible Removal of Westlaw Faculty Printer

Greetings all,

We have been notified by our Westlaw rep, Mike Winn, that faculty print jobs using the dedicated Westlaw printer are significantly down.  Over the last few years, usage has dropped considerably.  Westlaw is looking to remove low use/no use printers and the Cornell faculty printer is now on that list. 

Do you, Cornell law faculty, still want this printer available to you?  If there is still a need, Mike reports that he can leave it installed for another semester as a trial period.  Please let me or your library liaison know.

Thanks for your help with this.


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Monday, November 24, 2008

InfoBrief: Holiday Shopping Edition

Greetings all,

Reports are in that Black Friday is coming early this year and some retailers are already dropping prices.  To help with your gift selections, here are the latest shopping tips from Consumer Reports. 

Wishing everyone a lovely Thanksgiving with friends and families. 


Please reply to this email if you experience any troubles with the links.

Where to buy:

Buying Clothes Online
Buying Electronics

What to buy:

Audio Equipment
Blu-Ray and DVD Players
Digital Cameras
Digital Picture Frames
GPS Navigators
LCD and Plasma TVs
Luxury SUVs

How to send:

Shipping (scroll down to read article after opening pdf)

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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

InfoBrief: New Law Books Update

Greetings all,

This is a friendly reminder that new books at the law library, and law related books at other Cornell University libraries, are posted to our web site twice a month.  Peruse the list to keep current on new scholarship in your subject specialty. You can also sign up to receive an RSS feed notice whenever the page is updated.  If you need assistance with or have questions about RSS feeds, please contact your library liaison.

This month, for some light holiday reading, you might be interested in Drowning in the Desert: A JAG's Search for Justice in Iraq, by Vivian H. Gembara. Read more about it from the author's site, and on Amazon

Request this, or any book, from your library liaison.



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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

InfoBrief: LIFE images available on Google

Greetings all,

This may or may not help you with your scholarship and teaching, but is certainly interesting.  Google and TIME have teamed up to make historic TIME photographs available through Google Image Search.  They are searchable (of course), and browsable by decade (1860s - 1970s), people, places, events, sports, and culture. 

Here's the link:


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Friday, November 14, 2008

InfoBrief: Plum Book Supplement

As a follow-up to yesterday, The New York Times reports today on details for would be applicants to Obama's administration.  Click here for a PDF of the seven page, sixty-three question job application that covers publications, blog posts, speeches, testimony, and essentially any findable record of what you've said in any format for the duration of your adult life. 

It ends with a nice catch-all safety net:
Please provide any other information, including information about other members of your family, that could suggest a conflict of interest or be a possible source of embarrassment to you, your family, or the President-Elect.
Indeed.  Hat tip to Alfred Brophy.

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Thursday, November 13, 2008

InfoBrief: US Plum Book Released

The Plum Book is ready!  The 2008 edition of the United States Government Policy and Supporting Positions, commonly known as the Plum Book, is now available from the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO).  It is being eagerly devoured by attorneys, academics, and others who would like a job in the new administration.
Prepared after each presidential election, the Plum Book provides comprehensive information on thousands of federal civil service leadership and support positions in the legislative and executive branches of the federal government – jobs that may be subject to noncompetitive appointment, nationwide.
Just out of interest, click here to see the positions and salaries for the Department of Justice positions.
This information is provided by GPO. For additional information, feel free to contact Pat Court, our government documents specialist, or your librarian liaison.  And yes, the cover of the actual book is plum colored.


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Julie M. Jones, JD, MLIS
Research Attorney and Lecturer in Law
Cornell Law Library
340B Myron Taylor Hall
Ithaca, New York  14853

Friday, October 24, 2008

InfoBrief: BNA Updates

Greetings all,

BNA is updating and improving their user interface, effective this week.  A brochure detailing the changes has been placed in each of your boxes. 

BNA is an excellent resource for quality current awareness updates, with many publications to choose from.  View a complete list of available titles arranged by subject here, and an alphabetical list of titles here.  Many provide automatic email updates. 

For assistance setting up email updates, or to answer any questions, please feel free to contact your library liaison


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Julie M. Jones, JD, MLIS
Head of Information Services and Lecturer in Law
Cornell Law Library
340B Myron Taylor Hall
Ithaca, New York  14853

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

InfoBrief: Bloomberg Training

Dear Faculty,

Our Bloomberg Representative, Ken Sanchez, is at the law school tomorrow, July 2.  He is available to provide a personal demo of the system to any who are interested.  As we've previously announced, Bloomberg has rolled out a new product called Bloomberg Law or "B-Law."  See the B-Law web page here:

One of the best features of B-Law is the ability to obtain court dockets and filings with relative ease.  Of course, the full package of news and business resources, which are included with B-Law, are fantastic.

Sessions with the rep run from 30-60 minutes.  If you would like to schedule one, let Matt Morrison know , or contact your liaison.


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Julie M. Jones, JD, MLIS
Head of Information Services and Lecturer in Law
Cornell Law Library
340B Myron Taylor Hall
Ithaca, New York  14853

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

InfoBrief: 2008 Law Review Submission Policies

Greetings all,

Before the substance of this email, we wanted to let everyone know that most of our email accounts in the library are down and have been down since Sunday, with no indication from CIT when they will be up again.  We can send email, but not receive it.  We're working on creating a work-around to access our email.  In the meantime, please call us if you need any assistance.

Nancy Levitt and Allen Rostron of UMKC have recently posted on SSRN their white paper, Information for Submitting Articles to Law Reviews & Journals.  Available here:
This document contains information about submitting articles to law reviews and journals, including the methods for submitting an article, any special formatting requirements, how to contact them to request an expedited review, and how to contact them to withdraw an article from consideration. It covers about 188 law reviews.
Michael H. Hoffheimer of U Miss also produces a Directory of Law Reviews.  While current only through 2005, it does include charts for specialty journals not covered in Levitt & Rostron's article.  Available here:

Of course, if you need journal ranking information, go to the Washington & Lee web site:

We hope this helps with your summer scholarship.  Please feel free to contact your library liaison with any research questions or to train your research assistant for any particular project. 


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Julie M. Jones, JD, MLIS
Head of Information Services and Lecturer in Law
Cornell Law Library
340B Myron Taylor Hall
Ithaca, New York  14853

Thursday, May 8, 2008

InfoBrief: Open Access at Harvard Law School

Greetings everyone,

Many of you will probably be familiar with Harvard Law School's announcement yesterday regarding their unanimous vote to provide open access to all their scholarly articles.  From the press release:
In a move that will disseminate faculty research and scholarship as broadly as possible, the Harvard Law School faculty unanimously voted last week to make each faculty member�s scholarly articles available online for free, making HLS the first law school to commit to open access [emphasis added].
This statement is not quite correct.  Duke has made its journals freely available on the web since 1997 and has hosted an open access repository of its faculty's school since December 2005.  There are likely other law schools that have open access policies as well.  Which begs the question:  Does Cornell Law School need an open access commitment?


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Julie M. Jones, JD, MLIS
Research Attorney and Lecturer in Law
Cornell Law Library
340B Myron Taylor Hall
Ithaca, New York  14853

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

InfoBrief: Orientation for Summer Research Assistants

Greetings all,
The Law Library is currently planning the annual Research Orientation for faculty summer research assistants.  This year, the session will be on Wednesday, May 28, from 10 – 11 a.m. in Room 276. 

It would be most helpful if each faculty member could provide the following to their Library Liaison:

1) the name(s) of your RA(s); and
2) the topic each will be researching. 

The Library can then contact the RAs to inform them of the orientation, as well as let each of them know how to get help if they cannot make the session.  As well, feel free to encourage your RA to attend so that we can prepare them for a successful summer. 

If you have questions about the orientation, please contact Matt Morrison.


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Julie M. Jones, JD, MLIS
Research Attorney and Lecturer in Law
Cornell Law Library
340B Myron Taylor Hall
Ithaca, New York  14853

Monday, April 21, 2008

InfoBrief: HeinOnline Journals now included in Google Scholar

Greetings all,

The world now has easier access to your scholarship. HeinOnline 's vast collection of legal journals is now included in Google Scholar. You can easily find both your work, and interdisciplinary citations to your work.

How does it work? Go to Google Scholar and search for your name, an article title, or keywords common to your subject specialty. If the article is available in HeinOnline, it will be included in the search results, like the example below.

When you click on the title link to open the article in Google Scholar, you will see the HeinOnline logo on the right sidebar with a link that says "Subscribers Access." When you click on the access link, you will be taken directly to that article in HeinOnline if you're using your Cornell Law School computer.

Using your law school computer, this process should be seamless. Since our HeinOnline account does not include individual passwords, using Google Scholar from non-law school computers, you'll need to access HeinOnline from the Cornell Law Library web site or the Cornell University Library Catalog.

NOTE: The "Cited by [#]" seems to be consistently incorrect, typically under counting the actual number of citations to a work. Hopefully, Google Scholar will improve that feature soon.


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Julie M. Jones, JD, MLIS
Research Attorney and Lecturer in Law
Cornell Law Library
340B Myron Taylor Hall
Ithaca, New York 14853

Thursday, April 17, 2008

InfoBrief: New Books April 1-15

Greetings all,

New books acquired between April 1-15 at the law library and law related books at Cornell libraries are now posted on our web site

If you see a book that you'd like routed to your office, please contact Nancy Moore at or your library liaison


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Julie M. Jones, JD, MLIS
Research Attorney and Lecturer in Law
Cornell Law Library
340B Myron Taylor Hall
Ithaca, New York  14853

Thursday, April 10, 2008

InfoBrief: Spring Cleaning for Library Books

Do you have library books that you no longer need cluttering your office? Or is your time with us soon over? 
If you would like to return your library books – from the Law Library or any other library – please contact Nancy Moore, and she will arrange to pickup the books for you. 

If you would like to see a list of what books you have checked out from the library or through interlibrary loan, you can simply ask her to send you the list.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

InfoBrief archives available at
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Julie M. Jones, JD, MLIS
Research Attorney and Lecturer in Law
Cornell Law Library
340B Myron Taylor Hall
Ithaca, New York  14853

Thursday, April 3, 2008

InfoBrief subscription options

Greetings everyone,

We hope you are finding InfoBrief, the new current awareness service
from the Law Library for the Cornell Law School faculty, to be a
useful service. If you have any questions or suggestions, please
feel free to contact me or Claire Germain. We have recently
implemented a separate listserv for this service. If you would like
to discontinue receiving InfoBrief, simply reply to this message with
"unsubscribe" in the subject or body of the email. You can always
resubscribe by contacting anyone at the library with your request.


InfoBrief is archived at

Julie M. Jones, JD, MLIS
Research Attorney and Lecturer in Law
Cornell Law Library
340B Myron Taylor Hall
Ithaca, New York 14853

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

InfoBrief: New Books now on Library Web Site

Greetings all,

The Law Library is pleased to announce its New Books web feature, a service designed to help Cornell law faculty keep on top of newly acquired books in law and related disciplines at all Cornell libraries. The list is arranged using the same Library of Congress classification system we use to arrange the books on the shelves. Within the K (comparative and international law) and KF (US law) categories, books are further broken into distinct legal subjects, such as contract law and civil procedure.

For each book in the list, we provide a brief description and a link to a fuller description in the library�s online catalog via the book title. When available, we provide an image of the book�s cover, which links to the book at

If you see a book that you'd like routed to your office, please contact Nancy Moore at or your library liaison.

We will continue to announce new books to you via InfoBrief twice a month as the web site is updated with new acquisitions. If you wish, you may also use the RSS buttons to subscribe to any major subject area.

We welcome your feedback on this exciting new service from the Law Library!


InfoBrief archives available at

Julie M. Jones, JD, MLIS
Research Attorney and Lecturer in Law
Cornell Law Library
340B Myron Taylor Hall
Ithaca, New York 14853

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

InfoBrief: Update on Bloomberg Registration

For anyone planning on registering for Bloomberg Law today, there's been a delay.  Unfortunately, Valerie Boccadoro, our Bloomberg rep, ran into travel complications--her flight into Ithaca was cancelled.  (We've all been there, haven't we?)  So, Valerie will be here starting at 8:00 am tomorrow morning in the Foyer.

Many apologies from both myself and Valerie for this delay, but she will be available on campus tomorrow or Thursday.  Again, you may request a separate appointment by emailing her directly at

Thanks for your patience.  Please let me know if you have any questions.


Julie M. Jones, JD, MLIS

Research Attorney and Lecturer in Law
Cornell Law Library
340B Myron Taylor Hall
Ithaca, New York  14853

Thursday, March 27, 2008

InfoBrief: Bloomberg Law has Arrived at CLS

Greetings everyone,

Bloomberg is now offering free access to B-Law for all Cornell law professors and students.  B-Law is a growing legal database, specializing in business related primary and secondary legal sources.  From their web site:
Bloomberg Law is our legal, regulatory and compliance platform, offering a suite of news, data, analytics and research tools to the legal and compliance community. BLOOMBERG LAW is fully-integrated into the BLOOMBERG PROFESSIONAL service and tailored specifically for the needs of a modern law-firm, providing practitioners with indispensable resources for all their business-development, sector-intelligence, research, and information needs. BLOOMBERG LAW's news, data and analysis is delivered in user-friendly formats and features full-text database search and alert functionality, analytical reports, litigation-research tools, and competitive-intelligence profiles.
Registration is required and entails logging on with a �B-unit,� a finger-print recognition gadget you receive when opening your account. The Bloomberg representative, Valerie Boccadoro, will be registering interested members of the Cornell law community in the foyer during the mornings of April 1, 2, and 3.  You can register there or ask that she stop by your office during one of those afternoons. If these dates conflict with your schedule, she is available for individual appointments at other times.  If you are interested in scheduling an appointment, email Valerie at or contact Jean Callihan, our in-house Bloomberg coordinator, at 


Friday, February 8, 2008

InfoBrief: Research Fellows Available to Assist Faculty Research

The law library has recently hired two Research Fellows to assist faculty with your research.  This support is in addition to the services already provided by your library liaison. 

The library Research Fellows are law students who, under library supervision, provide research assistance to Cornell faculty, including those who encounter additional research needs while their personal research assistant is occupied. Research fellows can:
  • Compile subject bibliographies
  • Create multi-state surveys
  • Complete literature searches used in updating texts and casebooks
  • Research historical materials
  • Fulfill other research needs that may arise
As always, your library liaison is available to train your personal research assistant for specific projects you may have.

Please direct any questions about or requests for this service to your library liaison


InfoBrief is available online @

Julie M. Jones, JD, MLIS
Research Attorney and Lecturer in Law
Cornell Law Library
340B Myron Taylor Hall
Ithaca, New York  14853

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

InfoBrief: Justin Wolfers

Justin Wolfers will be the next presenter at the Faculty Workshop on Friday, February 8.  His topic is "The Paradox of Declining Female Happiness."  You can link to his article here
Since he is not a law professor, he may not be known to some of you in the same way as many of our presenters, so you may like to look at his personal home page.  His publications for the National Bureau of Economic Research are available on the web in full text, including probably his most well-known study: �Racial Discrimination Among NBA Referees.�


InfoBrief is available online @

Julie M. Jones, JD, MLIS
Research Attorney and Lecturer in Law
Cornell Law Library
340B Myron Taylor Hall
Ithaca, New York  14853

Friday, February 1, 2008

InfoBrief: Podcasting for Law Professors

Podcasting is one of the newest technologies available to help professors communicate more effectively with students.  It allows the audio recording of classes to be made available online for future reference.   It also allows the recording of class summaries or follow-up thoughts post-class.

Why podcast?  If students know a class is being recorded, they tend to not take dictation on their computers during class, freeing up their minds for greater engagement with the material and class discussion, thus learning more.  Some students need repetition.  Others may mentally miss a portion of class due to stress or distractions. 

To support law students and faculty, CALI has created ClassCaster which allows professors to record and post their classes on blogs for future listening by students.  Of course, these blogs may be used for purposes other than podcasting, possibly as an alternative or supplement to TWEN or Blackboard.  FAQs about ClassCaster are answered here.

More law school podcasting info is available online:
  • Professor Ken Kristl at Widener recently discussed the pedagogical power of podcasting here
  • A discussion of potential resistance to law prof podcasing is here .
  • A description of ClassCaster which discusses pros and cons is available here
  • Law student reactions to podcasting in the classroom is available here
Please feel free to contact Cornell Law Library's CALI coordinator, Julie Jones, with any questions.

And I hope everyone is staying safe on the roads today!

Julie M. Jones, JD, MLIS
Research Attorney and Lecturer in Law
Cornell Law Library
340B Myron Taylor Hall
Ithaca, New York  14853

Friday, January 25, 2008

New Faculty Service Launched by Cornell Law Library

Cornell Law Library is pleased to announced our new information service dedicated to the law school faculty:  InfoBrief

In support of faculty scholarship and teaching, InfoBrief will provide:   
  • Postings on services available at the law library
  • Notices on new law books and journals available at Cornell
  • Updates on legal databases to which we subscribe 
  • Current news on broader legal information and law school issues
  • And more
For your convenience, all InfoBrief messages will be emailed directly to you and archived at this blog for future reference.

We hope this service directly benefits your research and pedagogy. 

Please feel free to contact Julie Jones or your library liaison if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions. 


Julie M. Jones, JD, MLIS
Research Attorney and Lecturer in Law
Cornell Law Library
340B Myron Taylor Hall
Ithaca, New York  14853