The answer is YES!
Whether it's HeinOnline, Sociological Abstracts, or EconLit, you need only access the database via the Cornell University Library catalog using these three steps:
1. Search for the name of the journal or database you want as the title (e.g. Cornell Law Review, or HeinOnline).
2. Select the search result that is a "Networked Resource" (which simply indicates it is an online resource, as opposed to print).
3. Then click on the link provided.
You will be prompted to verify your Cornell status using your id and password, the same you use when logging into Blackboard. Then you will gain access to the database.
FYI, there is a shortcut link to HeinOnline on the Law Library web site homepage under Quick Reference.
Want a personal walk-through of the process? Contact your liaison and they'll be happy to demonstrate.
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