Before the substance of this email, we wanted to let everyone know that most of our email accounts in the library are down and have been down since Sunday, with no indication from CIT when they will be up again. We can send email, but not receive it. We're working on creating a work-around to access our email. In the meantime, please call us if you need any assistance.
Nancy Levitt and Allen Rostron of UMKC have recently posted on SSRN their white paper, Information for Submitting Articles to Law Reviews & Journals. Available here:
- Abstract:
- This document contains information about submitting articles to law reviews and journals, including the methods for submitting an article, any special formatting requirements, how to contact them to request an expedited review, and how to contact them to withdraw an article from consideration. It covers about 188 law reviews.
Of course, if you need journal ranking information, go to the Washington & Lee web site:
We hope this helps with your summer scholarship. Please feel free to contact your library liaison with any research questions or to train your research assistant for any particular project.
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Julie M. Jones, JD, MLIS
Head of Information Services and Lecturer in Law
Cornell Law Library
340B Myron Taylor Hall
Ithaca, New York 14853