Friday, December 12, 2008

InfoBrief: Database Access during Winter Break

Wondering whether you'll still have access to all your favorite databases while you're away on break?
The answer is YES! 

Whether it's HeinOnline, Sociological Abstracts, or EconLit, you need only access the database via the Cornell University Library catalog using these three steps:

1.  Search for the name of the journal or database you want as the title (e.g. Cornell Law Review, or HeinOnline).
2.  Select the search result that is a "Networked Resource" (which simply indicates it is an online resource, as opposed to print).
3.  Then click on the link provided. 

You will be prompted to verify your Cornell status using your id and password, the same you use when logging into Blackboard.  Then you will gain access to the database. 

FYI, there is a shortcut link to HeinOnline on the Law Library web site homepage under Quick Reference. 

Want a personal walk-through of the process?  Contact your liaison and they'll be happy to demonstrate. 


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InfoBrief: Westlaw Printer Pilot

Greetings everyone,

Based on the feedback we received, Westlaw will be leaving the faculty printer in the computer lab for your use through the spring semester on a trial basis.  You may choose to follow Barbara Holden-Smith's lead and try using this printer for the cost savings it brings to the law school.  Click here for previously posted instructions on using the Westlaw and Lexis faculty printers. 

We'll let you know later next year whether it will remain a permanent fixture in the computer lab. 

Please let your library liaison know if you have any questions.


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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

InfoBrief: Westlaw Faculty Printers, Take 2

Thanks to everyone who has responded so quickly.  Based on the information we've received, I think some further information is in order. 

Both Westlaw and Lexis have dedicated faculty printers, located on the third floor in the computer lab (room 375).  When you print from Westlaw, choose the Westlaw Faculty Lab Printer.  Printing from Lexis, select the Faculty printer.  The administrative assistants know where they are located and can help retrieve printed documents, but your liaison can also show you were it is and how to print to it.  Just ask us!

The primarily benefit of using these printers instead of your office printer is financial. They are maintained and supported by Westlaw and Lexis.  They provide the paper, the toner, and the maintenance.  Obviously, there are cost savings to the law school by using these printers instead of your office printer. 

A secondary benefit is convenience.  You can print to these stations wherever and whenever you are, and they will be printed, waiting for you, when you return to school. 

Let me or your liaison know if you have any further questions, and please continue to submit your comments.

Many thanks,

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InfoBrief: Possible Removal of Westlaw Faculty Printer

Greetings all,

We have been notified by our Westlaw rep, Mike Winn, that faculty print jobs using the dedicated Westlaw printer are significantly down.  Over the last few years, usage has dropped considerably.  Westlaw is looking to remove low use/no use printers and the Cornell faculty printer is now on that list. 

Do you, Cornell law faculty, still want this printer available to you?  If there is still a need, Mike reports that he can leave it installed for another semester as a trial period.  Please let me or your library liaison know.

Thanks for your help with this.


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