Wednesday, November 23, 2011

New Law Books at Cornell, Nov 1-15

The New Books List for November 1-15 is now available on the Law Library web site.  Click here to view the entire list.  It includes all new books at the Law Library as well as law-related books all across campus.  Here are a few titles of interest:


The challenge of originalism : theories of constitutional interpretation / edited by Grant Huscroft, Bradley W. Miller. -- Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2011.

K3165 .C428x 2011 – Law Library


Imagining legality : where law meets popular culture / edited by Austin Sarat. -- Tuscaloosa : University of Alabama Press, 2011.

PN1995.9.J8 I53x 2011 –  Law Library


The body of John Merryman : Abraham Lincoln and the suspension of habeas corpus / Brian McGinty. -- Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2011.

KF223.M48 M38x 2011 – Law Library


Animal laws of India / Maneka Gandhi, Ozair Husain, Raj Panjwani. -- New Delhi, India : Universal Law Publishing Co.Pvt. Ltd., 2011.

KNS1533 .A28 2011 – Law Library


You can click on the underlined title to go to the online catalog entry for that book.  And then click on “Long View” near the top of that screen for more information, usually chapter titles and authors, and subject headings.


If you would like to have any of these or other books checked out to you, please contact me or your librarian liaison.


Pat Court

Associate Law Librarian  



Monday, November 14, 2011

Faculty Scholarship Exhibit Case

The display case located outside classrooms 276 and 277 is now a permanent exhibit space showcasing recent faculty scholarship.  Please stop by to view materials written by your colleagues, including books, book chapters, and articles.  Please note that items will be temporarily rotated out of the case when they are requested by library patrons for circulation purposes.  


When viewing the materials, please also consider whether you’ve sent PDF copies of all of your articles to your library liaison for inclusion in the library’s online repository at


Amy Emerson

Head of Access Services & Foreign & Int'l Law Specialist



Friday, November 4, 2011

New Law Books at Cornell, October 16-31

The New Books List for October 16-31 is now available on the Law Library web site.  Click here to view the entire list.  It includes all new books at the Law Library as well as law-related books all across campus.  Here are a couple titles of interest:


Rethinking law as process : creativity, novelty, change / James MacLean. -- Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon ; New York : Routledge, c2012

K213 .M33x 2012 -- Law Library (Myron Taylor Hall)

                Locating the problem in law : the conjoined twins case, Re A -- Justifying legal decisions in hard cases : different approaches -- Alfred North Whitehead’s philosophy of organism -- Lessons from organisation theory -- Towards a process reconstrual of ’the middle’ -- Two ways of thinking : two types of knowledge -- Michael Polanyi’s ’tacit knowledge’ -- Legal institutional knowledge -- The judge as institutional actor and decision-maker -- Legal contexts as practices -- Chaos and complexity -- Closing the gap : narrative and the law -- Law’s institutional becoming : creativity, novelty, change -- Law as process : legal decision-making as an actual occasion in concrescence.


First thing we do, let's deregulate all the lawyers / Clifford Winston, Robert W. Crandall, Vikram Maheshri. -- Washington, D.C. : Brookings Institution Press, c2011.

KF306 .W48x 2011 -- Law Library (Myron Taylor Hall)

The market for lawyers -- Evidence of earnings premiums in the legal profession -- Sources of lawyers’ earnings premiums -- Welfare costs -- The case for deregulating entry into the legal profession -- Toward policy reform.


If you would like to have either of these or any other books on the list checked out to you, please contact me or your librarian liaison.



Pat Court

Associate Law Librarian



Thursday, November 3, 2011

InfoBrief: GPO Access now Archive Only

To Cornell Law Faculty:


GPO Access is dead!  Long live FDsys!


Tomorrow, the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) draws one step closer to shutting down GPO Access, the free public access web site of full-text, official Federal information and finding aids.  Once the Friday editions of daily updated content (e.g., Federal Register, Congressional Record) have been uploaded, GPO will cease updating GPO Access in terms of both database content and HTML pages.  Friday, November 4, will mark the start of the archive only phase of GPO Access and new content will only be loaded to FDsys. During this phase, GPO Access will remain publicly accessible as a reference archive.


In order to make the switchover from GPO Access to FDsys as seamless as possible for users, GPO is in the process of creating one-to-one redirects from GPO Access content to the FDsys equivalent. This will ensure that bookmarks, Web links, URLs in print publications, and other GPO Access references point to valid Web resources. Once this has been completed, GPO Access will be taken offline. A date has not yet been established for the final shutdown of GPO Access; however, it is slated for fiscal year 2012.


If you would like assistance accessing federal documents through FDsys,please contact me or your librarian liaison. Information above supplied by GPO.




Pat Court

Associate Law Librarian   

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