Some things we just KNOW – the sky is blue, ALL of the Supreme Court decisions are officially published in U.S. Reports, and that the U.S. Code has 50 titles. But no longer. While we were busy winding down the semester and grading exams and papers, Congress added Title 51 to the U.S. Code. Title 51 is National and Commercial Space Programs, the compilation of general laws regarding space programs, which rearranges sections from titles 15, 42, and 49. It was signed by President Barack Obama on December 18, 2010, creating Public Law 111-314, 124 Stat. 3443 (H.R. 3237). You can access Title 51 on Lexis but not yet on Westlaw.
In fact, plans are underway for the next new titles:
Title 52: Voting and Elections
Title 53: Small Business
Title 54: National Park System
Title 55: Environment
And they are working on reorganization of Title 35, Patents, Trademarks and other Intellectual Property and Title 41, Public Contracts.
Just wanted to make sure that if you discuss the U.S. Code in your classes or writings, that you are aware of the new Title 51!
Plus ça change…
Pat Court
Associate Law Librarian