Tuesday, August 31, 2010

BNA Password & Alerts

If you access BNA materials from home or on the road, you’ll need to know that the password has changed.  And if you are not accessing BNA materials, consider this your personal invitation to sign up for the BNA Alerts that will let you know when the latest information in your field is added to the BNA web.


First, for the password:  I will send an e-mail to the faculty today with the new password.  Since this blog posting is up on the web where anyone could find it, we don’t want to give away the store by including it here.


You remember BNA, the Bureau of National Affairs publisher of U.S. Law Week that you used in paper way back when.  It’s all on the web now.  You can link from the Law Library home page or bookmark the entry page for Cornell Law School.  From your office, you do not need a password to get in.


Sign up for e-mail summaries of any BNA news service or any BNA reference library.  Choose from over 100 products, including  Labor Relations ReporterCorporate Law Daily, ABA/BNA Lawyers' Manual on Professional Conduct, Computer Technology Law Report, Criminal Law Reporter, Securities Regulation & Law Report, and International Trade Reporter.  Of course, you can read and research in all of these materials at any time.


Feel free to contact me or your librarian liaison to learn more about BNA resources and for assistance in setting up your Alerts.  It’s one of the best ways to stay up with the Supreme Court Today!


Pat Court

Associate Law Librarian
