Monday, August 23, 2010

Renewing Cornell Library Books

Welcome to the 2010-2011 academic year at Cornell Law School! This InfoBrief comes to you about once a week from the Law Library, with information on services and resources of particular use to you.

If you check out library books at Cornell, you will want to know there is a new campus policy that limits your check-out period to one year, instead of the indefinite ”forever” loans of the last several years. However, because the Law Library wants to be sure you have the materials you need, we will automatically renew your Cornell library books at the end of each summer for another year so you can keep them, as needed.

You are, of course, welcome to return any books as you finish using them. And, remember that you will receive computerized e-mails alerting you when you have overdue books, items recalled by another researcher, and similar messages. Be sure to follow up on those, and ask us if you need any assistance.

You can get further information on borrowing materials at Cornell libraries here. Or contact me or your librarian liaison with any questions about using the library.

Best wishes for a very successful year!

Pat Court
Associate Law Librarian